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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A confidence shock driven partly by the U.S. trade war is at the center of an increasingly persuasive argument for Federal Reserve policymakers seriously considering cutting rates for the first time in a decade.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Wednesday set the stage for the rate cut this month, as records from policymakers’ latest meeting showed increasing fear that a U.S.-China trade war that has done little to directly restrain growth is indirectly causing businesses to hold back on buying equipment, giving workers a raise and hiking their prices.

Those factors have conspired to pose a serious risk of ending the economic expansion by pushing growth and inflation lower. The Fed is getting closer to lower rates to take out “insurance” that does not happen.

Powell used an appearance here before his congressional overseers on Wednesday to confirm that the U.S. economy is still under threat from disappointing factory activity, tame inflation and a simmering trade war.

Those are the kinds of uncertainties that "many" policymakers called out here as suggesting the need for a rate cut "in the near term," according to records from the Fed's rate-setting meeting, which were released shortly after Powell concluded several hours of testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

“Since then, based on incoming data and other developments, it appears that uncertainties around trade tensions and concerns about the strength of the global economy continue to weigh on the U.S. outlook,” Powell said.

At that June 18-19 meeting, some Fed policymakers worried that they may need act to lift inflation that is failing to meet the U.S. central bank’s 2% annual target and to combat a pervasive pessimism among corporations that they see holding back business investment. Lower rates could “cushion the effects” of shocks from the trade war, according to the minutes’ summary of the case for a cut.

“Powell’s really making the case that an insurance rate cut is important so July is looking much more likely despite the fact we had a pretty good jobs report,” said Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer for Independent Advisor Alliance.

posted by 투자Master

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed at their meeting on Sunday to push forward dialogue for making a new breakthrough in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, North Korean state media said on Monday.

Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea on Sunday when he met Kim in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas and agreed to resume stalled nuclear talks.

“The top leaders of the two countries agreed to keep in close touch in the future, too, and resume and push forward productive dialogues for making a new breakthrough in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and in the bilateral relations,” KCNA news agency said.

The meeting, initiated by a tweet by Trump that Kim said took him by surprise, displayed the rapport between the two, but analysts said they were no closer to narrowing the gap between their positions since they walked away from their summit in February in Vietnam.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters shortly before departing South Korea that a new round of talks would likely happen “sometime in July” and the North’s negotiators would be foreign ministry diplomats.

In a photo released by KCNA on Monday, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho and Pompeo are shown sitting next to Kim and Trump respectively in Freedom House, the building in which the two leaders had their one-on-one talks.

KCNA said that during the chat between Trump and Kim, the two leaders explained “issues of easing tensions on the Korean peninsula,” “issues of mutual concern and interest which become a stumbling block in solving those issues,” and “voiced full understanding and sympathy.”

Kim said it was the good personal relationship he had with Trump that made such a dramatic meeting possible at just one day’s notice and that the relationship with Trump would continue to produce good results, according to KCNA.

The two leaders’ “bold, brave decision” that led to the historic meeting “created unprecedented trust between the two countries” that had been tangled in deeply rooted animosity, KCNA said.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the meeting between Trump and Kim and “fully supports the continued efforts of the parties to establish new relations toward sustainable peace, security and complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

“The fact that the nuclear talks have jump-started is very encouraging, but that doesn’t mean that the two sides have already adjusted their positions and set the conditions for successful working-level negotiations,” said Kim Hyun-wook, a professor at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.

posted by 투자Master

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The United States has told India it is considering caps on H-1B work visas for nations that force foreign companies to store data locally, three sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters, widening the two countries’ row over tariffs and trade.

미국은 인도에게 H-1B

The plan to restrict the popular H-1B visa program, under which skilled foreign workers are brought to the United States each year, comes days ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to New Delhi.

India, which has upset firms such as Mastercard and irked the U.S. government with stringent new rules on data storage, is the largest recipient of these temporary visas, most of them to workers at big Indian technology firms.

The warning comes as trade tensions between the United States and India have resulted in tit-for-tat tariff actions in recent weeks. From Sunday, India imposed higher tariffs on some U.S. goods, days after Washington withdrew a key trade privilege for New Delhi.

Two senior Indian government officials said on Wednesday they were briefed last week on a U.S. government plan to cap H-1B visas issued each year to Indians at between 10% and 15% of the annual quota.

There is no current country-specific limit on the 85,000 H-1B work visas granted each year and an estimated 70% go to Indians.

Both officials said they were told the plan was linked to the global push for “data localization”, in which a country places restrictions on data as a way to gain better control over it and potentially curb the power of international companies. U.S. firms have lobbied hard against data localization rules around the world.

A Washington-based industry source aware of India-U.S. negotiations also said the United States was deliberating capping the number of H-1B visas in response to global data storage rules. The move, however, was not solely targeted at India, the source said.


“The proposal is that any country that does data localization, then it (H-1B visas) would be limited to about 15% of the quota. It’s being discussed internally in the U.S. government,” the person said.

The U.S. Embassy in New Delhi did not respond to a request for comment. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative’s office (USTR) referred questions to the State Department, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Most-affected by any such caps would be India’s more than $150 billion IT sector, led by Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys Ltd, which uses H-1B visas to fly engineers and developers to service clients in the United States, their biggest market.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs has sought an “urgent response” from officials on how such a move by the United States could affect India, said one of the two government officials, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs, as well as the commerce department that is typically involved in such discussions, did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Since last year, the U.S. administration has been upset that U.S. firms such as Mastercard and Visa suffer due to regulations in several countries that it says are protectionist and increasingly require companies to store more data locally.

India last year mandated foreign firms to store their payments data “only in India” for supervision, and New Delhi is working on a broad data protection law that would impose strict rules for local processing of data it considers sensitive.


While governments the world over have been announcing stricter data storage rules to better access data in their jurisdictions, critics say restricting cross-border data flows hurts innovation and raises companies’ costs.

In March the USTR, in a press note, highlighted "key barriers to digital trade", citing data-flow restrictions in India, China, Indonesia and Vietnam, among others. (bit.ly/2YSeQfN)

At a U.S.-India Business Council event last week, Pompeo said the U.S. administration would push for free flow of data across borders, not just to help U.S. companies, but also to secure consumers’ privacy.

posted by 투자Master

rekindle : 감정, 생각 등을 다시 불러일으키다

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China and the United States are rekindling trade talks ahead of a meeting next week between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, cheering financial markets on hopes that an escalating trade war between the two countries would abate.

중국과 미국은 다음 주 미팅에 앞써 무역 회담을 다시 진행하려 한다, 두 국가 사이의 증가하고 있는 무역 전쟁을 줄일 것이라는 희망을 금융 시장에 주기 위해서

abate : 약해지다, 줄이다

Trump said on Tuesday that teams from the two sides would begin preparations for the leaders to sit down at the G20 summit in Osaka. China, which previously declined to say whether the two leaders would meet, confirmed the get-together.

양측 팀은 오사카 G20 회담에 참석하기 위해 정상들이 준비를 시작했다고 화요일에 트럼프 대통령이 말했다. 중국은 모임을 확인했다, 중국은 이전에 두 정상이 만날 지 아닐 지 말하는 것을 거부했다. 

get-together : 비격식적인 모임

“Had a very good telephone conversation with President Xi of China. We will be having an extended meeting next week at the G-20 in Japan. Our respective teams will begin talks prior to our meeting,” Trump said in a post on Twitter.


중국의 시진핑 주석과 긍정적인 대화를 전화로 했다. 우리는 다음 주 일본 G20 회담에서 연장된 회담을 가질 예정이다. 우리의 각 팀들은 회담 이전에 회의를 시작할 것이다. 트럼프는 트위터에 포스트를 올렸다. 

The world’s two largest economies are in the middle of a costly trade dispute that has pressured financial markets and damaged the world economy.

세계에서 두 번째로 큰 경제대국(일본)은 비용이 많이 드는 금융시장을 압박하고 세계 경제에 손상을 준 회담 논쟁 중간에 있다.

Talks to reach a broad deal broke down last month after U.S. officials accused China of backing away from previously agreed commitments. Interaction between the two sides since then has been limited, and Trump has threatened, repeatedly, to slap more tariffs on Chinese products in an escalation that businesses in both countries want to avoid.

넓은 협상에 도달하기 위한 회담은 지난 달 결렬되었다 미국 당국이 이전에 합의한 약속을 지키지 않은 중국을 비난한 후에. 양측 사이의 상호작용은 그 때 이후로 제한적이었다, 그리고 트럼프는 두 국가 모두 비즈니스에서 피하고 싶어하는 단계적 확대 속에서 중국산 상품에 더 많은 관세를 매기겠다고 거듭 위협해왔다. 

In a speech Tuesday night formally launching his 2020 re-election campaign, Trump said he had taken “historic action to confront China’s chronic trading abuses.”

트럼프 대통령의 2020년 재선 캠페인을 공식적으로 화요일 밤에 시작하는 연설에서 트럼프는 중국의 만성적인 무역 남용에 대항하기 위한 역사적 행동을 위해왔다고 말했다. 

“It should have been done a long time ago, but the days of stealing American jobs and American companies, American ideas and wealth - those days are over,” Trump told the packed rally in Orlando, Florida.

이건 오래전에 했어야 하는 일이지만 미국인의 직업과 회사, 아이디어, 부를 빼앗는 날은 이제 끝이다, 트럼프는 플로리다 올란도에 사람들이 많이 온 집회에서 말했다.

packed : 사람들이 꽉 들어찬

rally : 집회.....반등. 회복

White House officials declined to go into detail about the preparations or expected outcomes of the talks in Japan, but both sides reiterated long-held positions: U.S. officials called for structural changes in the Chinese economy and in how Beijing treats U.S. businesses; China called for dialogue instead of expensive tariffs.

백악관 공식입장은 세부사항을 언급하기는 거부했다, 일본에서 열릴 회담의 준비 혹은 예상하는 결과에 대해서.

그러나 양측은 장기간 고수한 포지션을 반복했다 : 미국 당국은 중국에게 경제와 미국 기업을 대하는 방식에 대해서 구조적인 변화를 주문했다; 중국 당국은 높은 관세 대신에 대화를 주문했다.

reiterate : 반복하다

“The key is to show consideration to each other’s legitimate concerns,” Xi said, according to Chinese state media. “We also hope that the United States treats Chinese companies fairly. I agree that the economic and trade teams of the two countries will maintain communication on how to resolve differences.”

핵심은 서로의 법적인 관심에 대해 배려심을 보이는 것이다. 시진핑이 말했다. 중국 주 미디어에 의하면.

우리는 또한 미국이 중국 회사를 공평하게 대우하길 원한다. 나는 두 국가의 경제팀과 무역팀이 어떻게 차이점을 풀어나갈 것인가에 소통을 유지할 것이라는 것에 대해 동의한다. 

Washington has already imposed 25% tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods, ranging from semi-conductors to furniture, that are imported to the United States.

Trump has threatened to put tariffs on another $325 billion of goods, covering nearly all the remaining Chinese imports into the United States, including consumer products such as cellphones, computers and clothing.

Trump had made no secret that, despite his threat to escalate the dispute, he wanted to meet with Xi while they are both in Japan. China’s confirmation of the meeting avoids the possibility of a snub to Washington that could have triggered another round of tariffs.

Trump praised his relationship with Xi and spoke optimistically about getting a deal.

“I think we have a chance. I know that China wants to make a deal. They don’t like the tariffs, and a lot of companies are leaving China in order to avoid the tariffs,” he told reporters at the White House.

제 생각엔 아직 기회가 있습니다. 저는 중국이 협상을 하고 싶어한다는 것을 압니다. 그들은 관세를 좋아하지 않습니다. 그리고 다수의 회사들이 관세를 피하기 위해 중국을 떠나고 있습니다. 그는 백악관에서 기자들에게 말했다. 

“I think the meeting might very well go well, and frankly our people are starting to deal as of tomorrow. The teams are starting to deal. So we’ll see. China would like to make a deal. We’d like to make a deal, but it has to be a good deal for everybody.”

제 생각에는 회담은 매우 잘 흘러갈 것이로 생각됩니다. 솔직히 우리 사람들은 내일부터 협상을 시작할 것입니다. 팀은 협상을 시작하고 있습니다. 그래서 지켜볼 것입니다. 중국은 협상을 하고 싶어합니다. 우리도 협상을 하고 슾지만 모두에게 좋은 협상이어야 할 것입니다. 

as of tomorrow 내일부터

Trump’s tweet offered fresh fuel to a rally on Wall Street as investors bet renewed talks could diffuse the trade war. The S&P 500 gained nearly 1%, while the Nasdaq and Dow Jones Industrial Average both gained around 1.4%. All closed at their highest levels since early May when Trump knocked global stock markets by ratcheting up tariff rates on $200 billion of imported Chinese goods.

트럼프의 트윗은 월 스트리트에 반등이라는 신선한 연료를 주었고 투자자들은 재개하는 회담이 무역전쟁을 사그러들게 할 것이라 베팅했다. S&P500 지수는 1퍼센트 올랐고 나스닥과 다우존스 산업평균은 둘 다 1.4%씩 올랐다. 모두 5월 초 고점에서 마감했다, 트럼프가 수입산 중국산 물품에 1000억 달러의 관세를 단계적으로 부과하기 시작할 때 세계 주식 시장이 충격을 받았을 떄.

rachet up : 단계적으로 증가시키다, 하다

“This is a very positive development,” said Clete Willems, a former trade negotiator with Trump’s team.

“Leader level engagement at last year’s G20 was critical to jumpstarting the talks,” he said, citing last year’s meeting between Xi and Trump at the G20 in Argentina. “It will be essential to managing the current political dynamic and getting the talks back on track once again.”

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow declined to give details on how the two countries would prepare for the Xi-Trump meeting and said the United States would continue to press for China to change its practices on intellectual property theft and requirements that U.S. companies share their technology to do business in China.

“Our position will continue to be (that) we want structural changes. We want structural changes on all the items ... theft of IP, forced transfers of technology, cyber hacking. Of course trade barriers. We’ve got to have something that’s enforceable,” he told reporters at the White House.

The two sides were close to a deal in May that addressed many of those concerns. But China sought to soften the legal requirements in the text of the deal, and the United States balked.

According to Chinese state media, Xi told Trump that the China-U.S. relations had encountered difficulties. “If China and the United States cooperate, both benefit. If they fight, both get hurt,” state media paraphrased Xi as saying.

Beijing wants the United States to lift its tariffs, but U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who has spearheaded negotiations, said on Tuesday that talks alone were not enough.

“I don’t know if it will get them to stop cheating, tariffs alone. I think you don’t have any other option,” Lighthizer told a congressional hearing. “I know one thing that won’t work and that is talking to them. Because we’ve done that for 20 years.”


posted by 투자Master

TOKYO (Reuters) - Investor caution ahead of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting capped Asian stocks on Tuesday, while crude oil prices retreated as global growth worries overshadowed supply concerns stemming from recent Middle East tensions.

화요일 연방준비제도이사회(FRB)의 금리 회의를 앞두고 투자자들은 조심스러운 반응을 보였으며, 국제적인 성장 우려로 최근 중동 긴장에서 비롯된 공급 우려가 무색해지면서 원유 가격은 하락세를 보였다.

The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.25%, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng rose 0.15% and Japan’s Nikkei dipped 0.3%.

상하이 종합 지수는 0.25% 하락했고 홍콩 항셍 지수는 0.15% 상승했으며 니케이 지수는 0.3 떨어졌다.

MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan edged up 0.2%.

Bucking the trend were Australian stocks, which rose 0.3% after minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) last policy meeting pointed to the possibility of another interest rate cut.

*Buck the trend : 대세를 거스르다

The Fed, facing fresh demands by U.S. President Donald Trump to cut interest rates, begins a two-day meeting later on Tuesday. The central bank is expected to leave borrowing costs unchanged this time but possibly lay the groundwork for a rate cut later this year.

Fresh hopes for looser U.S. monetary policy have been a tonic for risk assets markets, which were buffeted last month by an escalation in the trade conflict between Washington and Beijing. The S&P 500 has gained 5% this month after sliding in May on trade war fears.

MSCI의 일본 외 아시아 태평양 지역 지수도 0.2% 상승했다.

대세를 거스르는 호주 증시는 지난 호주 준비은행(RBA) 정책회의에서 또 다른 금리 인하 가능성을 지적한 이후 몇 분 만에 0.3% 상승했다.

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령의 금리인하 요구에 직면한 연준(Fed)이 2일 오후(현지시간)부터 이틀간 회의를 시작한다. 한은은 이번에 차입비용을 그대로 두되 올해 말 금리 인하를 위한 토대를 마련할 것으로 보인다.

느슨해진 미국 통화 정책에 대한 새로운 희망은 지난 달 미국과 중국 사이의 무역 분쟁의 증가로 인해 완화된 위험 자산 시장에 강장제가 되어왔다. S&P 500지수는 5월에 무역전쟁 공포로 인해 하락했다가 이번 달에 5% 상승했다.

“In just a few months, the market has turned from being guided by the Fed to actively guiding the Fed,” wrote interest rate strategists at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Focus is now on how close the Fed could be to cutting interest rates amid the raging U.S.-China trade war, signs of the economy losing steam and pressure by President Trump to ease policy.

“The FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting is the week’s biggest event so there will be a degree of caution prevailing in the markets,” said Masahiro Ichikawa, senior strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management.

“Expectations for a rate cut in July have increased significantly, so the markets could experience disappointment if the Fed does not send strong signals of impending easing.”

U.S. Treasury yields dipped on Monday after the New York Fed’s “Empire” gauge of business growth in the state showed a fall this month to its weakest in more than 2-1/2-years, fanning rate cut expectations.

The dollar index against a basket of six major currencies stood little changed at 97.468 after pulling back from a two-week high on the decline in Treasury yields.

The Australian dollar fell to a fresh five-month low of $0.6851 after minutes from the RBA’s June meeting showed the central bank thinks it may have to ease policy again to push down unemployment and revive wages and inflation.

The central bank cut rates to a record low of 1.25% at its meeting earlier this month, to support the slowing economy.

The pound extended an overnight slump and brushed $1.2512, its lowest since Jan. 3. Concerns that arch-Brexiteer Boris Johnson will replace Theresa May as prime minister have dogged sterling. [GBP/]

The euro was a shade higher at $1.1231 after spending the previous day confined to a narrow range.

U.S. crude oil futures shed 0.13% to $51.86 per barrel after retreating 1.1% the previous day and Brent crude lost 0.2% to $60.81 per barrel following Monday’s loss of 1.7%.

Oil prices had fallen on Monday as weak Chinese economic data released at the end of last week led to fears of lower global demand for the commodity. [O/R]

Concerns over weakening demand overshadowed tensions in the Middle East, which remained high following last week’s attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.

posted by 투자Master

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam apologized to its people on Sunday as an estimated 1 million-plus black-clad protesters insisted that she resign over her handling of a bill that would allow citizens to be sent to mainland China for trial.

Organizers said almost 2 million turned out on Sunday to demand that chief executive Lam step down in what is becoming the most significant challenge to China’s relationship with the territory since it was handed back by Britain 22 years ago.

Sunday’s demonstration came in spite of Lam indefinitely delaying - though not withdrawing - the bill on Saturday in a dramatic climbdown that threw into question her ability to continue to lead the city.

On Sunday, she apologized for the way the government had handled the draft law, which had been scheduled for debate last Wednesday, but gave no further insight into its fate.

Organizers pressed ahead with the protest to demand the bill’s full withdrawal, as well as to mark their anger at the way police handled a demonstration against it on Wednesday, when more than 70 people were injured by rubber bullets and tear gas.

Some of Sunday’s marchers held signs saying, “Do not shoot, we are HongKonger.”

Police said the demonstration reached 338,000 at its peak. Organizers and police have routinely produced vastly different estimates at recent demonstrations.

Organizers estimated a protest the week before drew 1 million while police said 240,000.

“It’s much bigger today. Many more people,” said one protester who gave her name as Ms Wong. “I came today because of what happened on Wednesday, with the police violence.”

Loud cheers rang out when activists called through loud hailers for Lam’s resignation and the cry “step down” echoed through the streets.

“(An) apology is not enough,” said demonstrator Victor Li, 19.


The protests have plunged Hong Kong into political crisis, heaping pressure on Lam’s administration and her official backers in Beijing.

Critics say the planned extradition law could threaten Hong Kong’s rule of law and its international reputation as an Asian financial hub. Some Hong Kong tycoons have already started moving personal wealth offshore.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Trump would raise the issue of Hong Kong human rights at a potential meeting with president Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Japan this month.

In a blog post published on Sunday, Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan sought to play down the impact of the protests.

“Even if the external environment continues to be unclear and the social atmosphere is tense recently, overall Hong Kong’s economic and financial markets are still operating in a stable and orderly manner,” he wrote.

Activist investor David Webb, in a newsletter on Sunday, said if Lam was a stock he would recommend shorting her with a target price of zero.

“Call it the Carrie trade. She has irrevocably lost the public’s trust,” Webb said. “Her minders in Beijing, while expressing public support for now, have clearly lined her up for the chop.”

In another indication of a possible shift of mood in the Chinese capital, a leader of the pro-democracy “Occupy” demonstrations that galvanized Hong Kong in 2014 appeared set to be released from jail.

Joshua Wong’s pro-democracy Demosisto movement said he would be freed on Monday.

Chinese censors have been working hard to erase or block news of the latest series of protests -the largest since crowds demonstrated against the bloody suppression of pro-democracy activists in and around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in June 1989 - amid concerns that any large public rallies could inspire demonstrations on the mainland.

Pompeo said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday” he was sure the protests would be among the issues that Trump and Xi will discuss.

“We’re watching the people of Hong Kong speak about the things they value, and we’ll see what Lam’s decision is in the coming days and weeks,” Pompeo said.

Last week U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation that would require the U.S. government to certify Hong Kong’s autonomy from China each year in order to continue the special treatment the city gets under the U.S. Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992.


The city’s independent legal system was guaranteed under laws governing Hong Kong’s return from British to Chinese rule and is seen by business and diplomatic communities as its strongest asset.

Hong Kong has been governed under a “one country, two systems” formula since then, allowing freedoms not enjoyed in mainland China but not a fully democratic vote.

Many accuse Beijing of extensive meddling, including obstruction of democratic reforms, interference with elections and of being behind the disappearance of five Hong Kong-based booksellers, starting in 2015, who specialized in works critical of Chinese leaders.

Asked repeatedly on Saturday if she would step down, Lam avoided answering directly and appealed to the public to “give us another chance.”

Her reversal was hailed by business groups including the American Chamber of Commerce, which had spoken out strongly against the bill, and overseas governments.

The UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said on Twitter: “Well done HK Government for heeding concerns of the brave citizens who have stood up for their human rights”.

In the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which China claims as its own, about 5,000 people rallied outside the parliament building in Taipei with banners saying, “No China extradition law” and “Taiwan supports Hong Kong.”

Some of the protesters in Hong Kong also waved Taiwan flags.

China’s top newspaper, the People’s Daily, on Sunday condemned “anti-China lackeys” of foreign forces in Hong Kong.

Lam had argued that the extradition law was necessary to prevent criminals hiding in Hong Kong and that human rights would be protected by the city’s courts which would decide on any extradition on a case-by-case basis.

Critics, including leading lawyers and rights groups, have noted China’s justice system is controlled by the Communist Party, and say it is marked by torture and forced confessions, arbitrary detention and poor access to lawyers.

posted by 투자Master

DUBAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States blamed Iran for attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday that drove up oil prices and raised concerns about a new U.S.-Iranian confrontation.

미국은 목요일 오만 만에서 두 개의 유조선 공격에 대해 이란을 비난했다, 새로운 미국과 이란 대립에 관한 우려를 증식시키고 유가가 상승했다.

Iran “categorically rejects the U.S. unfounded claim(근거없는 주장) with regard to 13 June oil tanker incidents and condemns it in the strongest possible terms,” the Iranian mission to the United Nations said in a statement on Thursday evening.

이란은 단정적으로 6월 13일 유조선 사건에 대해 미국의 근거없는 주장을 부정하고 가능한 가장 센 용어로 그 주장을 비난한다. UN에 있는 이란 파견인이 목요일 저녁 성명 발표하면서 말했다.

It was not immediately clear what befell the Norwegian-owned Front Altair or the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous, which both experienced explosions, forcing crews to abandon ship and leave the vessels adrift in waters between Gulf Arab states and Iran. 

노르웨이 소유의 Front Altair 또는 일본 소유의 Kokuka Courageous에게 어떤 안 좋은 일이 닥쳤는 지는 바로 알려지지는 않았다, 두 유조선 모두 폭발을 겪었고 선원들에게 배를 버리고 아랍주 만과 이란 사이에 선박을 바다에 표류시키게 나두었다.

One source said the blast on the Front Altair, which caught fire and sent a huge plume of smoke into the air, may have been caused by a magnetic mine.

어떤 정보원에 따르면 Front Altair의 폭발은, 불이 붙고 상공에 거대한 연기 기둥이 올라왔던 폭발인데, 자기(자석) 기뢰에 의해 촉발되었을 것이라 했다.

The firm that chartered the Kokuka Courageous tanker said it was hit by a suspected torpedo, but a person with knowledge of the matter said torpedoes were not used.  

Kokuka Courageous 유조선을 소유한 회사는 수상한 어뢰에 피격되었다고 말했지만, 한 전문가는 어뢰가 사용되지 않았다고 했다. 

An unexploded device, believed to be a limpet mine, was spotted on the side of the Japanese tanker, a U.S. official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. If confirmed, the next steps might be to deactivate or detonate the device.

선체 부착 지뢰라 의심되는 폭파되지 않은 장치가 일본 유조선의 측면에서 관측되었다고 미국 당국이 로이터 통신에게 말했다, 익명성을 조건으로. 이것이 확인된다면, 다음 단계는 장치를 비활성화 시키거나 폭파시킬 것이다.  

Crude oil prices spiked more than 4% after the attacks near the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial shipping artery for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf energy producers. Prices later settled about 2% higher.

사우디 아라비아와 다른 걸프 에너지 생산자들에게 중요한 해상 수송 동맥인 호르무즈 해협 출입구 근처에서 공격이 벌어진 후에 크루드 오일 가격은 4% 이상 급등했다, 유가는 나중에 플러스 2%로 유지되었다. 

The United States, which has accused Iran or its proxies of carrying out a May 12 attack on four tankers off the United Arab Emirates’ coast as well as May 14 drone strikes on two Saudi oil-pumping stations, squarely(정면으로) blamed Iran for Thursday’s attacks.

5월 12일 UAE 해안에 4개의 유조선 공격을 감행하고 5월 14일 2개의 사우디 오일 펌핑 공장에 드론이 공격한 대리인으로서 이란에게 혐의를 제기한 미국은 목요일 공격이 이란 탓이라고 정면으로 비난했다. 

“It is the assessment of the United States government that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the Gulf of Oman today,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters.

"오늘 오만 만에서 일어난 공격에 대한 책임은 이란 이슬람 연합국에 있다는 것이 미국 정부의 평가입니다." 

미국 마이크 폼페이오 국무 장관이 리포터들에게 말했다. 

Pompeo did not provide explicit evidence to back up the U.S. assertion.

폼페이오 장관은 미국의 주장을 증명할 명확한 근거는 제공하지 않았다.

“This assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar Iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication,” Pompeo said.

"이 평가는 정보에 근거합니다, 무기가 사용되었고, 작전을 수행하는데 필요한 전문 지식 수준, 선박에 대한 이란인들의 최근 유사한 공격들, 그리고 이 영역에 활동하는 대리인 그룹(proxy group)이 고도의 정밀함을 가지고 수행할 자원과 숙련도가 없다는 정보입니다." 폼페이오가 말했다.

U.S. and European security officials as well as regional analysts cautioned, however, against jumping to conclusions, leaving open the possibility that Iranian proxies, or someone else entirely, might have been responsible.

하지만 미국과 유럽 안보 관리들과 지역 분석가들은 성급히 결론에 다다르는 것에 경고했다, 이란 대리인 혹은 완전히 다른 누군가가 책임이 있을 가능성을 염두해야 한다고 했다. 

“There are lots of moving parts and ‘facts’ at the moment, so my only advice would be treat things with extra caution,” said one security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

현 시점에서 유동적인 부분과 '사실'이 많이 존재한다, 그래서 내 사견으로는 극도로 조심히 사안을 다뤄야 한다고 생각한다, 익명의 안보 관리가 말했다. 

‘SUSPICIOUS’ '의심스러운'

Tensions between Iran and the United States, along with its allies including Saudi Arabia, have risen since U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out of(철수하다) a deal last year between Iran and global powers that aimed to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief.

이란과 미국 사이의 긴장감, 사우디 아라비아를 포함한 동맹국도 마찬가지로, 긴장감은 증대되어왔다, 미국 트럼프 대통령이 작년에 이란과 제제 완화를 대가로 테헤란의 핵 욕망을 꺾으려는 의도를 가진 국제 권력 사이의 협상에서 철수했을 때부터. 

Iran has repeatedly warned it would block the Strait of Hormuz if it cannot sell its oil because of U.S. sanctions.

이란은 반복적으로 호르무즈 해협을 봉쇄하겠다고 경고했다, 미국의 제제로 인해 이란의 기름을 팔지 못하게 된다면.

Tensions have increased further since Trump acted at the beginning of May to force Iran’s oil customers to slash their imports to zero or face draconian(드라코니언, 엄격한) U.S. financial sanctions.

긴장감은 더욱 올랐다, 트럼프가 5월초 이란 석유 고객들에게 수입을 중단하지 않으면 엄격한 미국의 금융제재에 직면하게 될 것이라 압박을 한 후부터. 

Iran’s oil exports have dropped to around 400,000 barrels per day in May from 2.5 million bpd in April last year.

이란의 석유 수출량은 작년 4월 일당 250만 배럴에서 올해 5월 40만 배럴로 감소해왔다. 

In May, the Trump administration also said it would send more troops to the Middle East, citing what it saw as a threat of potential attack by Iran.

또한 5월에 트럼프 행정부는 중동에 더 많은 군대를 파견할 것이라 말했다, 이란에 의한 잠재적 공격에 대한 위협을 언급하면서. 

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif described the tanker explosions as “suspicious” on Twitter and called for regional dialogue. Tehran has denied responsibility for the May 12 attacks.

The crews of both ships struck on Thursday were picked up safely. The Bahrain-based U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet said it had assisted the two tankers after receiving distress calls.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a meeting of the Security Council on cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States that the world could not afford “a major confrontation in the Gulf region”.

The Security Council discussed the attacks behind closed doors on Thursday at the request of the United States.

Kuwait’s U.N. ambassador, Mansour Al-Otaibi, president of the council for June, said after the meeting that all 15 council members had condemned the attacks.

When asked if the United States had shown any evidence to support its accusation that Iran was responsible, Al-Otaibi told reporters: “We didn’t discuss any evidence.”


Both Iran and the United States have said they want to avoid war.

“Iran will never initiate a war but will give a crushing response to any aggression,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Thursday evening that “we have no interest in engaging in a new conflict in the Middle East. We will defend our interests, but a war with Iran is not in our strategic interest, nor in the best interest of the international community.”

Pompeo said U.S. policy remained making economic and diplomatic efforts to bring Iran back to negotiations on a broader deal.

The Iranian U.N. mission’s statement said: “It is ironic that the U.S. who unlawfully withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action now calls Iran to come back to negotiations and diplomacy,” using the formal name of the 2015 nuclear accord.

In abandoning the deal, Trump made clear he wanted Iran to curb not merely its nuclear work but its development of missiles and support for proxy forces in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

Some regional analysts said they thought the attacks were likely to have been carried out by Iran and described them as a way for Tehran to try to acquire negotiating leverage and perhaps increase global pressure for U.S.-Iran talks.

“There is always the possibility that somebody is trying to blame the Iranians,” said Jon Alterman of Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, referring to a so-called false flag operation to implicate another nation.

“But there is the greater likelihood that this represents an effort to bolster Iranian diplomacy by creating a perceived international urgency to have the United States and Iran talk,” Alterman said.

By publicly blaming Iran, the administration may hope to get Tehran to stop such attacks, said U.S. foreign policy veteran Dennis Ross, now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

“By attributing responsibility, by elevating and publicizing it, (they may hope) that the Iranians will realize they need to take a step back,” said Ross, adding: “I’m not sure that is going to be the result.”

“The Iranians, in response to our maximum pressure, are practicing their own version of maximum pressure,” he said.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was visiting Tehran when Thursday’s attacks occurred, carrying a message for Iran from Trump. Abe, whose country was a big importer of Iranian oil until Trump ratcheted up sanctions, urged all sides not to let tensions increase.

Iran said it would not respond to Trump’s overture, the substance of which was not made public.


Comment of Overwatch

미국은 증산하고 있지만 이란은 감산하고 있다. 

미국은 셰일가스 혁명으로 인해 석유 생산량이 증가하고 있다.

그래서 공급 증가로 인해 유가는 하락하고 있다. 

그러나 이란의 입장에서는 수익성이 악화되고 있기 때문에 공급을 줄이고 있다.

둘이 경쟁하고 있는 가운데, 이란이 유조선 두 대를 터트렸다고 미국에게 의심받고 있다. 

유조선이 터져 공급을 못하게 되면 유가는 오르고 이는 이란입장에서 호재이기 때문에 미국으로부터 이러한 의심을 받고 있다.

정확한 용의자는 밝혀지지 않은 상태에서 여러 추측이 나오고 있는 상황이다. 

실제로 속보가 나온 이후 유가는 4% 급등했다.

posted by 투자Master

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer prices barely rose in May, pointing to moderate inflation that together with a slowing economy increased pressure on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates this year.


미국 소비자 가격은 5월에 간신히 상승했다, 올해 금리 인하하기 위해서 연준에 더욱 압력을 가하는 느린 경제와 함께 완만한 인플레이션이 지적되었다.


But the report from the Labor Department on Wednesday will likely not shift Fed officials’ views that temporary factors are behind the weak inflation readings. Airline fares, among the transitory factors identified by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, rebounded and apparel prices stabilized after two straight monthly decreases.


U.S. central bank policymakers are scheduled to meet on June 18-19 against the backdrop of rising trade tensions, slowing growth and a sharp step-down in hiring in May that has led financial markets to price in at least two rate cuts by the end of 2019. A rate cut is not expected next Wednesday.


“This soft inflation backdrop reinforces our call for two (rate) cuts later this year,” said Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan in New York. “We think next week is probably too soon to expect that action, given that growth is still holding in and trade-related risks remain two-sided.”


The consumer price index edged up 0.1% last month as a rebound in the cost of food was offset by cheaper gasoline, the government said. The CPI gained 0.3% in April.


In the 12 months through May, the CPI increased 1.8%, slowing from April’s 1.9% gain. May’s rise in the CPI was broadly in line with economists’ expectations.


Excluding the volatile food and energy components, the CPI nudged up 0.1% for the fourth straight month, the longest such stretch since April 2017. The so-called core CPI was held down by a sharp decline in the prices of used cars and trucks as well as motor vehicle insurance.


In the 12 months through May, the so-called core CPI rose 2.0% after advancing 2.1% in April.


U.S. Treasury prices were trading mostly higher, while the dollar was little changed against a basket of currencies. Stocks on Wall Street slipped as the rate-cut hopes were overshadowed by investor anxiety over the U.S.-China trade war.




U.S. President Donald Trump in early May slapped additional tariffs of up to 25% on $200 billion of Chinese goods, prompting retaliation by Beijing. Trump on Monday threatened further duties on Chinese imports if no deal was reached when he meets Chinese President Xi Jinping at a G20 summit at the end of this month in Japan.

Economists have warned that the tariffs will undercut the economy, which will celebrate 10 years of expansion in July, the longest in history. Powell said last week the Fed was closely monitoring the implications of the trade war on the economy and would “act as appropriate to sustain the expansion.”

Data so far have suggested a sharp slowdown in U.S. economic growth in the second quarter after a temporary boost from exports and an accumulation of inventory early in the year. Job growth slowed sharply in May. Manufacturing production, exports and home sales dropped in April, while consumer spending cooled.

The Atlanta Fed is forecasting gross domestic product to increase at a 1.4% annualized rate in the April-June quarter. The economy grew at a 3.1% pace in the first quarter.

A survey of chief executive officers published on Wednesday showed unease about trade policy negatively impacting sales expectations as well as capital spending and hiring plans over the next six months.

The Fed’s preferred inflation measure, the core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, increased 1.6 percent in the year to April after gaining 1.5% in March. Data for May will be released later this month. The core PCE price index has been running below the Fed’s 2% target this year.

Gasoline prices fell 0.5% in May after rising 5.7% in April. Food prices rebounded 0.3% in May after dipping 0.1% in the prior month. Owners’ equivalent rent of primary residence, which is what a homeowner would pay to rent or receive from renting a home, increased 0.3% in May after rising 0.3% in April.

Healthcare costs increased 0.3%, matching April’s rise. That mirrored an increase in healthcare costs at the producer level, suggesting a pickup in the core PCE price index in May. There were gains in hospital and doctor fees. But prices for prescription medication fell 0.2%.

Apparel prices were unchanged in May after tumbling 0.8% in the prior month. They had declined for two months in a row after the government introduced a new method and data to calculate apparel prices. Economists expect the duties on Chinese goods to lift apparel prices in the coming months.

“That’s going to change with new tariffs on the way unless apparel companies can teach other nations to knit sweaters as well as Chinese workers can do,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MUFG in New York.


Prices for used motor vehicles and trucks tumbled 1.4%. That was the largest drop since last September and marked the fourth straight monthly decrease. The cost of motor vehicle insurance fell 0.4%, the most since May 2007. The cost of recreation also decreased.

But prices for airline tickets rebounded 2.0% after falling for two straight months. Prices for household furnishings and new vehicles rose in May. Household furnishings prices are likely to trend higher in the coming months because of the duties on Chinese imports.

posted by 투자Master
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